Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Breast Cancer - Some Less Known Facts About It

Breast cancer is something that most people typically relate with females, but did you know that it can also affect males? While the number of male breast cancer sufferers is much lower than that of females, it is important for men to be aware that they too can be affected.

While men aged about 67 years are the most susceptible, it is not unheard of for men much younger than that to report this disease. The male breast has much less fatty tissue than does a female breast. This is why this form of cancer doesn't affect men as often. The highest concentration of fatty tissue in men is typically located just beneath the nipple. More often than not, this is where male breast cancer will start.

A common sign of male breast cancer is having the nipple becoming crusty, scaly and raw-looking. Another sign is bleeding, burning, itching or oozing in the nipple area. Remember that there doesn't need to be a palpable lump present to indicate cancer. If there is a lump present, though, the cancer condition is worse than if it were not there.

Risk factors for male breast cancer include age, family history, obesity, alcohol consumption, exposure to radiation, physical inactivity, liver disease and Klinefelter syndrome. Also, if medications are being taken that can significantly disrupt a man's hormonal level; the chances of developing this cancer are increased. Strong medications like this include those that are used for ulcers and lowering blood pressure.

The only two scientifically proven ways to combat this cancer are through early diagnosis and proper medical treatment. There are, however, some still-developing alternative medicines that are said to aid in fighting cancer. These are best used alongside traditional treatment, rather than just on their own.

Many of the alternative methods often focus on what it is you're eating and teach you how to fuel your body in such a way that it will be able to fight off the cancer on it's own. Because of all the preservatives and artificial flavorings that are commonly found in food, changing your diet can make a remarkable change in your overall health and may just be enough to jumpstart your immune system enough so that it will help you win the fight against this deadly disease.

While this type of cancer will continue to affect more women than man, it is increasingly important that men get the message that they too can develop it. Contrary to some prejudiced thinking, male breast cancer has nothing whatsoever to do with a man's masculinity or lack thereof.

Remember that the most important thing is early diagnosis, so it is wise to drop any reservations or stubbornness about seeing a doctor. Simply go for a check-up every now and then and be sure to tell your doctor if you are experiencing any of the breast cancer signs listed above.


Breast cancer is something that most people typically relate with females, but did you know that breast cancer can also affect males? It is important for men to be aware that they too can be affected.

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